Psychology in India is the psychological approach based on concepts and ideas developed for thousands of years within the Indian sub-continent. Meditation, yogic practices, self-actualization and the achievement of nirvana–a state of nothingness–are well-known concepts that originated in India.
Westerners can learn a lot from the old scriptures and practices developed in India. Just recently the East, focused on achieving a state of no-mind, and the West, focused on using the mind as an ally, are merging towards a holistic psychology of the 21st century.
If you’re planning to write your PhD thesis paper in psychology in India, you’re facing a challenging, interesting, and highly-relevant subject for our times. But how can one find a brilliant topic with so much history and current relevancy to pick from?
The following shows you 15 fantastic ideas for psychology topics to pick from or be inspired by.
Still not inspired? Here are a few more ideas to consider:
Try linking themes and ideas from Indian psychology and Western psychology. Can they come together? Can ancient Indian ideas like yoga and meditation be used in Western psychology practices? Try indicating possibilities for the different approaches to come together, find common ground and point out similarities.
How come some Western schools of psychology completely neglect the usefulness of ancient Indian practices? That’s another potential topic to consider for your PhD thesis paper.
Whatever topic you choose, make sure to find enough quotable sources and keep the scope workable, meaning don’t try do to too little or too much.
Plan. Structure. Write. Edit.
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